What Does Sodium Do For The Body?

What Does Sodium Do For The Body?

What Does Sodium Do for the Body?

Summer is here, which means it’s high time to dial in your hydration. GU Hydration Drink Tabs are a great way to supplement your electrolyte needs and maintain hydration, especially as the temperatures soar. Find out more about what makes GU Hydration Drink Tabs your summertime must-have.

Sweat Science  

When you sweat, either from exercise or warm temperatures (or both), you lose electrolytes, primarily sodium. In fact, typical sweat rates range from 0.5-2 liters per hour, and sweat sodium concentrations (the amount of sodium in that sweat) range from 400-1800 mg per liter. So, if you’re a heavy sweater, you could lose 1,000 mg or more of sodium during an hour of exercise.  

What Are the Consequences of Dehydration?  

Dehydration is associated with increased perceived effort, increased cardiovascular and thermal strain (especially in the heat), along with reduced nutrient and oxygen delivery to working muscles. All these factors ultimately diminish performance, even with as little as a 2% reduction in body mass from sweat losses.

How Much Sodium Do You Really Need?  

According to recent research, athletes only need to replenish ~30-65% of sweat sodium losses incurred during prolonged exercise. But, why not 100%? Simple. As we sweat, our blood sodium concentration naturally rises as there is less fluid volume circulating in the blood. So, if you are an average saltiness sweater (that’s a thing, right?) and you lose an estimated 1,000 mg sodium per liter of sweat, your target intake would be 300-650 mg sodium per liter of fluid consumed. For this reason, we’ve focused on providing sodium (320 mg per serving) in our Hydration Drink Tabs. And, while you lose other electrolytes in sweat, such as potassium and magnesium, these make up a much smaller proportion of overall losses when compared to sodium. Each Hydration Drink Tab also includes 55 mg potassium per serving.

Of note, if exercising longer than 4 hours with high fluid losses (we see you, summer race season), and an aggressive fluid replenishment strategy is undertaken, athletes might consider supplementing with additional sodium (like our GU Electrolyte Capsules). Otherwise, for shorter (non-ultra) efforts and moderate sweat losses, athletes are advised to “season to taste” meaning you can supplement with electrolytes to your liking to encourage fluid intake. 

Due to the nature of sweat losses, blood sodium concentration will only fall when athletes replace the majority (>70%) of sweat fluid losses and their sweat sodium concentration is above average (>1,000 mg per liter of sweat). Athletes should estimate their sweat fluid losses and replacement needs before deciding if a more targeted sodium replacement strategy is necessary. 

Why Should You Use GU Hydration Drink Tabs?  

Our Hydration Drink Tabs are a delicious, effervescent way to:

  • Encourage drinking – with 6 tasty flavors to choose from and a convenient, easy-to-carry package
  • Replenish electrolytes lost in sweat – salty sweaters, rejoice!
  • Maintain hydration – electrolytes help you hold onto fluids better than plain water


When and How to Use GU Hydration Drink Tabs  

  • Daily hydration: 1-3 Hydration Drink Tabs per day to support your active lifestyle.
  • Pre-Exercise: Sip on a Hydration Drink Tab drink 30-60 minutes before starting your activity to ensure you're well-hydrated and your electrolytes are topped off.
  • During Exercise: For prolonged activities, especially in hot and humid conditions when sweat loss is high, having 1-2 Hydration Drink Tabs per hour can help maintain hydration and electrolyte levels.
  • Post-Exercise Recovery: Rehydrating with a Hydration Drink Tab after your workout can speed up recovery by replenishing fluids and electrolytes lost during exercise. Pro tip: combine an Orange GU Hydration Drink Tab with a serving of Vanilla GU Roctane Protein Recovery Drink Mix for maximal post-workout benefits and an orange creamsicle flavor.

Summer is meant for movement, so whether you’re hiking, biking, running,  or just enjoying sometime in the outdoors, be sure that you’re replenishing electrolytes and maintaining your hydration levels so you get the most out of your outdoor experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is it ok to drink hydration drinks every day?

A: Yes, it is generally safe to drink hydration drinks every day, especially if you are active or in hot climates. They help replenish your electrolytes and maintain proper hydration levels. You do need to be mindful of your overall electrolyte intake, and choose hydration products that suit your daily needs.

Q: Does too much sodium dehydrate you?

A:  Excess sodium intake can increase thirst and fluid intake, and subsequently result in fluid retention. So, while it won’t dehydrate you, it can make you feel dehydrated due to an increase in thirst and the urge to drink more fluids.

Q: What is sodium carbonate?

A: Sodium carbonate is a nutritional source of sodium and a key effervescent agent (along with sodium bicarbonate) found in GU Hydration Drink Tabs. It provides both electrolytes (sodium) as well as a source of carbon dioxide (CO2) which makes our drink tabs fizz when you drop them in water.

Q: Do athletes need more sodium?

A: Athletes generally sweat more than sedentary people, hence they lose more sodium and other electrolytes through sweat. That said, athletes and others generally consume adequate amounts of sodium through their daily diet. However, if environmental conditions warrant—high heat and humidity, for example—it is wise to consider supplementing with additional electrolytes during exercise.

Q: How can you tell if your electrolytes are low?

A: Signs of low electrolytes can include muscle cramps, fatigue, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, and confusion. If you experience these symptoms, especially after intense exercise or sweating, you should consider replenishing with essential electrolytes like Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, etc., which will help you recover from these conditions. Our Hydration Drink Tabs contain Sodium, which is mainly lost in sweat and aids in better rehydration.

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